
Showing posts from June, 2021
Post 25      Paradise in Carriacou the bay and anchorage at Tyrel on Carriacou We've been here in Carriacou for almost a month having arrived here on  Wednesday 19th May and then quarantining at the northern side of Tyrel Bay for 48 hours. Carriacou is a very small island that's part of Grenada and we're free to sail across there without any further restrictions. Dorothee and I sailed the 160 miles from Martinique in company with Viva La Vida, a 37' yacht owned and skippered by Lucia. On her boat was Joseph, her father and our closest friend, Beata (so a boat of Slovaks). We left le Marin at 2pm on Sunday 16th May and had decent winds across to St Lucia followed by very light winds on the leeward side of the next two islands. We made sure to pass the volcano on St Vincent by the mandatory 15 miles offshore. The plume of vertical smoke was clearly visible in the starlit night sky as we sailed slowly south. As soon as we cleared the southern tips of these two islands, t