
Showing posts from January, 2021
 Post 17     Pondering Sunset at the very tranquil St Annes beach Content s I'll cover the following topics in this post:- 1. Exploring Martinique 2. Communication 3. Music here 4. My flat mate Zag 5. Answers to my moon question plus a further question. Summary Having taken on board some of your suggestions, I will start each post with a short summary for those of you short on time. Please note, there is no sailing mentioned in this one. I hired a motorbike for three days to do some exploring and I wasn't disappointed with what I saw. On separate days, I rode up the western and eastern coastal rodes. The eastern windward side is very arid compared to the lush, green leeward side of this beautiful island. I discuss the difficulty that I sometimes encounter when I'm talking with someone who's hiding behind a shield. For many reasons, some people just find it hard to lower their guard that I totally respect, but find a challenge for real communication. Having spent more th
Different subjects... I'm not sailing currently, just been recovering over the past few days from a New Year's eve party and enjoying some time writing and thinking or hopefully thinking first and then writing, plus a little sketching. ðŸ¤” Some of my likes... 1. Nelson Mandela. Without any question, he is my all-time  hero. What a change he made to one of the most racially oppressed nations on our planet, through his personal sacrifice, courage and humility. Nothing brings a tear to my eyes quicker than watching him lift the Rugby World Cup in 1995, wearing a rugby jersey identical to his captain's. Around that tournament, the SA team did great work in some different ghettos, totally inspired by my hero. The entire nation, almost without except, just loved the man and what he'd done for their country. But sadly many of his legacies have already been eroded by greed. His wife's behaviour just left me gobsmacked, he deserved so much better. He spent almost 30 years beh